When Do Babies Crawl
Crawling is the first significant milestone in a baby’s life. Everyone with babies can say one of the most exciting moments is watching their child crawl for the first time. It’s the turning point when parents are firstly confronted with the idea that their babies will someday grow. So when do babies crawl?
The signs that your baby is about to crawl and are easy to observe are:
Can roll from his/her back to his/her tummy (and vice versa).
Can sit from being on her belly by himself/herself.
Can pull himself/herself with the arms when are lying on the tummy.
If this represents your situation, it means your infant might be ready to start the crawling journey!
According to the paediatricians, the average age range for babies to start crawling is six months to ten months old. But don’t worry if your infant is six months old and he/she still stays still. Each baby is different and depending on many factors, some of them take longer to reach the crawling stage. But that doesn’t have to mean something is wrong with the baby.
Besides, opposed to what many parents know and believe, exists more types of crawling beyond the classic one.
When do babies crawl = Bear Crawl - it’s when the baby keeps arms and legs straight rather than bent, as in the classic crawl.
When do babies crawl = Bottom Scoot - the baby sits on his/her bottom and pushes himself/herself across the room with his/her hands.
When do babies crawl = Combat or Commando Crawl - this one is when the baby lies on the belly, with the legs out and pull/push himself/herself forward with the arms.
When do babies crawl = Crab Crawl - the baby moves forward with his/her hands while keeping the knees bent.
When do babies crawl = Rolling Crawl - this one doesn’t need an explanation.
Pay attention and monitor your baby because they might do a crawling different from your expectations. Yet if they have done nothing described above, you might consider in what ways you can help them take this enormous step.
When do babies crawl = Let your baby play in his/her tummy because it’s a great exercise to create strength in your baby’s arms, shoulders and torso.
When do babies crawl = Use their toys as motivation. Position your infant’s toys in a long line with a space between each. As the baby tries to reach them, he/she might start crawling without realising.
Instead of worrying about when do babies crawl childproof your house so your baby is always safe, even if he/she is still to crawl. Some tips to maintain your home safe for the baby are:
Have locks on cabinet doors and drawers.
Be careful with the hanging cord from the blinds or curtains.
Get a safety gate for your stairs and anti-scald devices.
Cover your electrical outlets with a stash.
Put rubber in the sharp corners.
But, if your child is one-year-old or older and you yet have seen no progress or intention from he/her to start crawl, better book an appointment with a specialist for further information and instructions.