Best App Learn Spanish
With travelling abroad sadly off-limits, there has never been a better time to learn a language. While you may have dabbled in Spanish during your GCSE’s, chances are you remember very little, and contrary to popular belief, you need to know more than how to ask where the pool is or how to order a beer. English may be the most widely spoken European language but this is no reason to be reliant on it. Learning a language is more than just learning the physical words, it encompasses learning about a particular culture which is interesting in itself.
Best App Learn Spanish: Why Is It Important To Learn A Second Language?
Having studied a foreign language at university, I can vouch for how important learning a second language is. Not only does having another language under your belt help you stand out in an increasingly competitive job market, but it also improves your mother tongue as well. Your communication skills develop tenfold but perhaps, more importantly, you are encouraged to foster a deeper understanding of language and human nature. Whether you realise it or not, through opening your mind to a completely different language, you are becoming more flexible and more tolerant, and the world could certainly do with more tolerance.
So, no more haphazardly asking directions to the nearest restroom or fumbling your way through a drinks order. It’s time to kick your brain into gear and hop on the Spanish train! Vamos!
Best App Learn Spanish:
Note: These apps are mostly paid but there are free versions out there. If you want to get the most out of learning Spanish, these are the best apps to do so (in no particular order) but Drops is epic #justsaying
Best App Learn Spanish: Drops
Price (per month): £7.99
Time (per day): 15 minutes
Method of learning: Spelling, swiping right or left, listening
Best for: Anyone, seriously drops is the best app available, Hana our CD used it to learn Korean and French at the same time.
My rating: 5/5 - What’s so great about drops is everything is broken down into specific topics of no more than 20 words per topic so you can shove all the spanish words into your brain in a compartmentalised way which your brain loves and that’s why it works.
Best App Learn Spanish: Duolingo
Price (per month): Duolingo is free to download (but with a lot of in-app purchases to get the full benefit)
Time (per day): 5 minutes
Method of learning: Games, matching vocabulary, completing sentences.
Best for: People who are very busy or who don’t want to commit fully to learning Spanish. Games make it good for younger children or people with learning difficulties.
My rating: 3/5 - While Duolingo is fun at first, it does soon become very repetitive and you don’t feel as if your brain is being challenged. The In-App purchases are quite frustrating and leave you wishing you could just pay money upfront. But out of all the "free” language learning apps, this one definitely comes out on top.
Best App Learn Spanish: Rosetta Stone
Price (per month): £7.99
Time (per day): 10 minutes
Method of learning: Focus on conversational learning (teaching you phrases, and vocabulary that you would actually use in a real-life conversation.).
The TruAccent feature listens to you speak out loud and helps you perfect your accent with the help of a circle icon that lights up green or red.
Best for: People who are serious about learning another language but without breaking the bank.
My rating: 5/5 - For just £7.99 a month, it is crazy how much you get! I love that you can download lessons in advance and listen to them without WiFi on your evening walk or daily commute. You can also structure your lessons and learn the topics that interest you the most/find the most useful. It is one of the few apps that helps you with your accent which proves extremely useful with a language like Spanish that has difficult to pronounce words.
Best App Learn Spanish: Memrise
Price (per month): £8.99
Time (per day): No recommended time length, as you see fit.
Method of learning: Digital flashcards.
Best for: Someone who is already learning Spanish and wants to supplement their learning.
My rating: 3/5 - I found that the app itself wasn’t the most user friendly and kept freezing randomly or restarting itself. However, if you already have a good knowledge of Spanish and just want a top-up, this app is great which is why I’ve featured it on this list.
Best App Learn Spanish: Babbel
Price (per month): £12.99
Time (per day): 15 minutes (per lesson)
Learning method: The "Babbel Method"- well-structured lessons that build on each other with realistic scenarios and interactive dialogues.
Best for: People who want to learn a language fast and commit to serious learning.
My rating: 4/5 - I enjoyed Babbel because it felt like I was learning stuff that I could easily apply to real-life situations. It also felt like I was learning material at a much faster pace, probably due to the lesson length. If you’re in a hurry to learn, this is the best app to use.