Coke Nutrition Facts
Coca-Cola or coke or even sodas, in general, are one of those products many of us consume, knowing that maybe we shouldn’t. Many times, especially coke, we are consuming pure sugar without the nutrients we need, meaning the drink has a very poor nutrition value. But figuring out exactly what is in Coca-Cola can be difficult, even with accurate nutrition facts. This because many of the ingredients are considered part of a proprietary formula, so you might not be told exactly what is in there. However, if you wish to know more about some Coke nutrition facts, check all the information below about the nutrition value, ingredients, and adverse effects.
Coke Nutrition Facts: What Does It Contain?
The information below is for a can of the classic Coca-Cola (12 oz).
Calories: 140
Fat: 0g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 45mg (2% DV)
Carbs (from which sugars): 39.00g (14% DV)
Protein: 0g
Coke Nutrition Facts: Carbs
Carbs are important in your diet as much as any other nutrient since it provides fuel for your cells through glucose and promotes the optimal function of the nervous system and the brain. However, it’s important to distinguish “good” from “bad” carbs and unfortunately, coke only has refined sugar. Refined sugar, found in foods with white flours and added sugar, cause a short spurt in blood glucose levels that soon plummet, triggering a desire for more of the same.
Coke Nutrition Facts: Sodium
Although it’s often seen as a nutrition villain, sodium actually plays a variety of important roles in the body. Sodium not only helps maintain healthy fluid balance but also contributes to proper muscle contraction and nerve impulse conduction. Coke provides only 2% of the daily value you should consuming, so it’s safe to say it doesn’t get close to meet your needs.
Coke Nutrition Facts: Ingredients
Here’s what you might expect to find in Coca-Cola:
Carbonated Water – it may look scary, but this ingredient is the basis of all soda products.
Phosphoric Acid – this gives Coca-Cola its signature “cola” taste.
Caffeine – not news, this is the ingredient that makes you feel peppy after you drink it.
Natural Flavoring – no one really knows for sure what this means, because it’s considered a secret. But the company does say that there are no artificial flavorings or preservatives in the drink.
Caramel – this is another form of sugar that gives cola its distinctive color.
Coke Nutrition Facts: Adverse Effects
There are more than a few things in your soda that aren’t declared on the Coca-Cola nutrition facts, so it’s technically impossible to tell what all the possible effects are. However, here’s what might happen if you make a habit of drinking Coca-Cola on a daily basis.
Problems from Additives
Some countries have even filed lawsuits against the big soda manufacturers for including aspartame in their diet drinks, a dangerous chemical that makes drinks sweeter. The sugar content in the sodas could easily lead to diabetes and other health issues, while the caffeine can make you very dependent upon the drink, almost as though it is a drug you must have.
Bone Fractures
Kids tend to drink sugary beverages before they reach for things like water or milk. That causes problems later in life, as they might wind up with bones that aren’t as strong. In addition, soda can actually leach calcium away from the bones, leaving you with less than you had to begin with.
Again, that low milk intake means that you are at risk for health problems, including brittle bones and osteoporosis. The more soda you drink, the worse the problem gets.
Tooth Decay
The acids and sugars in soda can wreak havoc on tooth enamel. That enamel is very important for preventing cavities and other tooth decay. In fact, some studies have shown that a tooth resting in a glass of Coca-Cola will rapidly deteriorate.
Lower Sperm Count
Many studies have shown that drinking large amounts of soda can reduce sperm count by up to 30 per cent, and the sperm that are left have decreased motility – meaning that it becomes tougher to get someone pregnant.
Kidney Failure
This is a significant long-term problem that can be caused by drinking large amounts of soda, especially the diet brands that contain aspartame. Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are very tough on the body and can eventually lead to vital organs shutting down as they try to cope with the overload. Kidney failure is one of the problems that can result.
Coke Nutrition Facts: Varieties
What makes diet drinks worse than regular soda comes down to a few ingredients, specifically, aspartame and acesulfame potassium. These sweeteners give you a major sugar taste without the calories. The problem is that they are chemicals that have been shown to cause serious problems for the body. Though the United States governmental body that oversees food safety says that these sweeteners are safe, there is evidence from other countries that these things are definitely bad for you. In addition to the problem of whether the sweeteners are bad for you, keep in mind that many will choose to drink as much sugar-free soda as they want, with the idea that if it has no calories, it can’t be harmful. But the more you drink, the more harm can be done in the long run. So, the bottom line is that you should pay always attention to the nutrition facts, and only drink sodas on special occasions or in moderation. Remember that although Coke is a very popular soda around the world, it doesn’t mean you should drink it at all. Ditch all sodas for water and if you really crave a sweet taste in your drink, prepare a juice from your favorite fruit.
Coke Nutrition Facts: Interesting Facts
The name Coca-Cola refers to two of its original ingredients: kola nuts and coca leaves.
The very first Coca-Cola products contained cocaine, about 9 milligrams per glass. It was removed from the drink in 1903. The original Coke was also alcoholic.
Coca-Cola has traditionally been considered a wonder cure for almost everything, including hiccups, colic, low libido, and jellyfish-sting pain.
Coca-Cola's "secret recipe" is locked in a vault on the grounds of the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta.
As soon as the high-sugar content of Coca-Cola enters the human body, it should cause vomiting. However, the phosphoric acid dulls the sweetness, which allows us to keep the soft drink down.