How to Can Tomatoes?
How to can tomatoes at home
Want to can tomatoes and looking for a step-by-step guide? Here we have formulated a guide on how to can tomatoes at home for you. Whenever someone talks about canned tomatoes, they take it as a very simple process. We do not want to scare you, but canning tomatoes is very time-consuming and requires diligence on the part of a person canning. One slight mistake can ruin the canned tomatoes but do not hesitate to can them because we have developed a guide on how to can tomatoes for you. Here are the steps.
How to Can Tomatoes: The Ingredients
To learn how to can tomatoes you need tomatoes and lemon juice as ingredients to can tomatoes. 15 pounds of ripe tomatoes require ¾ cup of lemon juice. You’ll also need sterile jars with a metallic lid, like the ones pictured above.
How to Can Tomatoes: The Steps
Boil water in a pot and add tomatoes to it after carving a small x on one side of tomatoes with a knife.
Prepare ice water in a bowl.
After one minute of boiling tomatoes in a pot, lift them out from the pot and put them directly in ice-cold water.
As soon as tomatoes cool down, peel them off.
Put another kettle of water to boil.
Gather jars with sealable lids and put them in boiling water for 10 minutes to sterilize them.
Remove jars from water, empty them from any water residual and add two spoons of lemon juice in each jar. Cram in tomatoes in each jar as much as you want.
Add boiled water in tomatoes crammed jar and seal the jars.
After sealing, put the jars in a large pot of boiling water and cook them completely submerged jars for 45 minutes.
Remove the jars from the water after 45 minutes, dry and clean them and put them in a cool, dry place until use.
We hope you enjoyed this guide on how to can tomatoes? Next, why not make a yummy recipe?
How to Can Tomatoes: Jars
We thought you might need these canning jars :)