How Often Should You Poop?
How Often Should You Poop?
Bowel movements are a vital function of our body through which we get rid of all the waste material such as bacteria, cells, water, and fibers from the food that we eat. Every one of us has bowel movements, but the frequency of pooping varies from person to person. How often should you poop depends on your diet, hydration, stomach health, age, activity level, gender, and any previous medical conditions or chronic diseases.
There are no specific rules about how often you should poop, but doctors recommend that you poop at least 2 to three times a day to remove harmful waste from your intestine. A recent survey shows that most people only go to the loo once a day, especially in the morning. You should immediately see your doctor if you see blood in your stool or have a bowel movement for more than three days.
The doctor will study your symptoms and medical history to determine how often you should poop and recommend some treatment accordingly. Regular bowel movements are when your stool is comfortable to pass, and you don’t feel any pain or discomfort while pooping.
If you see any significant change in your bowel, consult with a medical professional to start the treatment and avoid severe health complications. Constipation is believed to be the root cause of a large number of problems related to bowel movements. Exercise is a great way to stimulate your digestive system.
How Often Should You Poop? BY AGE
You’re a Baby - How Often Should You Poop?
Formula fed Babies usually poop up to five times a day.
You’re a Child - How Often Should You Poop?
Children often poop up to twice per day.
You’re an Adult - How Often Should You Poop?
As an adult if you poop one per day you’re doing great
You’re a Senior - How Often Should You Poop?
As you get older you may notice you are pooping every other day and that’s okay as long as it is the right shape