Skene Glands
Skene glands are the source of female ejaculation, and it has a lot of other roles in the physical and sexual health of a female. This gland is also known as the female prostate, but they are different from a male's prostate glands in terms of functionalities. It lubricates the urethra by releasing fluids into it to move urine out of the bladder through the urinary system tube. Skene glands also release an antimicrobial substance to prevent infections of the urinary tract.
These glands swallow due to a sudden increase in blood flow when aroused, so they are an integral part of the female sexual health system. Fluids are released from these glands during sexual intercourse to lubricate the vagina leading to female ejaculation. Some common issues of skene glands are infection of the urinary tract, skenitis, and caner.
A health expert will diagnose the skene glands issue by taking a urine sample and run some lab tests on this urine sample. An imaging test is another diagnosing technique, but it is mostly utilized in detecting skenitis. If you are experiencing any pain in the pelvic area or a change in your urination routine, you should immediately see a doctor.
Skenitis has similar symptoms to those of a urinary tract infection, but there is vaginal pain during sexual intercourse in skenitis. Most of these infections are treated with prescribed antibiotics, but sometimes surgery is required if left untreated for a long time.