Childrens Nursery Rhymes

We all love good childrens nursery rhymes, a nursery rhyme is essentially a little song or poem written for children to help them get to sleep at night but they can also be great for fundamental learning to develop early literacy and memory skills. These childrens nursery rhymes ignite tales from your childhood so why not give your children the same experience with this list I have complied of children’s nursery rhymes.

Use these children’s nursery rhymes to get your child to sleep or to soothe them when they are crying they are a great calming tool.


The benefits for listening to childrens nursery rhymes and reciting them with your children are:

  • Helps to build memory skills

  • Helps to develop auditory skills

  • Allows children to help articulate words

  • Practicing pitch and volume

  • Learning an early source of literacy

  • May enable your child to become interested in rhythm and patterns of language


1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

2. I’m a little teapot

3. Humpty Dumpty

4. Mary had a little lamb

5. Baa Baa black sheep

6. Hickory Dickory Dock

7. Pop! goes the weasel

8. Jack and Jill

9. Ring around the roses

10. Round and Round the garden

11. This little piggy

12. Little miss muffet

13. Five little monkeys

14. Row, row, row your boat

15. Itsy bitsy spider

16. Star Light, Star Bright

17. 12345 once I caught a fish alive

18. Bingo

19. Heads, shoulders, knees and toes.

20. If you’re happy and you know it


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